What We Would Do If We Were Starting Over on LinkedIn

The longer we’ve spent using LinkedIn, the more we’ve learned. Over time, LinkedIn and its community have evolved, shedding light on some key strategies. 

It’s taken a lot of trial and error, research, and testing to finally figure out the keys to LinkedIn. 


8 Ways to Capture Your Audience’s Attention

Competing for your audience’s attention online is no easy task. 

To get them to stop and listen to what you have to say, you need to have a strong hook.

This practice is easily theorized but difficult in practice: how do you title your posts or blogs so that the audience is both intrigued and engaged? The title needs to be interesting but also descriptive of what the article will be about. It can be a tricky line to balance. Sometimes, these catchy titles are called “content hooks.”


Using LinkedIn Events to Drive Webinar Sign Ups

Running a webinar, workshop, online challenge, or another online event is a great way to acquire new customers. 

But the last thing you want to do is spend all this time preparing for a magnificent online event that nobody attends. 

One of the biggest challenges that come with hosting an online event is obtaining attendees. 


Steps to Create an Engaged Online Community

Building an online community is one of the smartest business decisions you can make. 

Digital communities are a place where you can connect with your target audience. People can learn from current customers, share feedback, and build trust with your brand. The communities serve as a powerful platform for converting new customers and growing your business. 


Earning passive income with affiliate marketing

Did you know that companies can make money promoting other companies’ products or services? Believe it or not, this practice exists and is known as affiliate marketing

The rewarded company is an affiliate partner (sometimes referred to as simply “affiliate”) and although the result is typically a sale, some “affiliate programs” as they are referred to can reward partners with leads, free-trial users, website views, or downloads for an app.


Improve Your Conversion Rate with the Right Call To Action

Social media marketing is a powerful strategy for building a relevant audience. While using social media for your business may be quite a bit different than other strategies, it can be incredibly effective when done right. 

Far too many businesses and entrepreneurs denounce the value of social media marketing before truly using it to its full potential. 


How to Re-Engage Your Email List

Building an email list is important for connecting with your target audience. Yet, building your list is not the most difficult or most important part. 

Far too often, people go through the effort of building a list and do not use it to its full potential. 

One of the most common questions we hear about email marketing is “I already have an email list, but I haven’t emailed them for a very long time. What should I do?”


Why LinkedIn is Still the Most Powerful Platform for B2B Marketing & Sales in 2021

LinkedIn was built for business networking back in 2003, but is it still relevant nearly 20 years later?

Yes! In 2021, LinkedIn is STILL the most powerful platform for B2B marketing and sales. 

LinkedIn is one of the best B2B tools available. It’s one that every single business-to-business company should take advantage of for marketing and sales. 

Read on to find out why LinkedIn is such a powerful B2B marketing tool. 


Are Webinars Still Relevant in 2021?

In the past, webinars were a powerful digital tool to connect with your clients and generate sales. 

But are webinars still relevant?

Despite the advancement of many other helpful digital strategies, webinars remain a relevant and effective tool. 


Should You Build Your Personal Brand or Your Business Brand?

Branding is crucial for increasing awareness and authority in your industry.

But when it comes to building a brand, is it best to focus on your personal brand or business brand?

Chances are, you’ve heard a lot of emphasis on both, but which is better is not always clear. 
