LinkedIn Company Pages: Are They Worth It?

January 21st, 2022 Joaquin Hernandez

When it comes to using LinkedIn for your business, you will likely stumble across Company Pages. 

Company pages are different from personal profiles, but it can be tricky to know what you need to use when. 

If you’re already spending the time on your personal profile, is a company page worth it?

Today, we’ll explain more about company pages and when you need each type of page. 

Read on to find out if company pages are worth it!

What’s a Personal Page?

Your personal page is your member profile. It represents your professional brand. On your personal page, you would describe your work history. It’s where you build your network to create and share content and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. If someone wants to learn about you, they head to your personal page. 

What’s a Company Page?

While your personal page is about YOU and YOUR experience, the company page is all about your organization. It stands alone as a hub for the company, it is not connected to any personal profiles. The company page is where you define the identity of your brand, and it’s where people go to learn about your organization.

Differences of a Personal and Company LinkedIn Page

Here are some key differences to note between the two types of LinkedIn pages:

  • Personal profiles represent individuals, while Company pages represent the organization. 
  • LinkedIn Company pages have followers. Personal pages have connections and a network. 
  • You need a Company Page to run ads. 
  • You need a personal profile to set up a LinkedIn Page.
  • Both are free to create. 

How to Set Up a Company Page

To create a LinkedIn Company page, you do need to have a personal LinkedIn account and a valid email address. You must also use the desktop version to create the Company profile. 

Here are the basic steps for creating your Company Page:

  • Log into your personal account.
  • Select the “Work” icon in the upper-right corner. 
  • Scroll to the bottom and click “Create a Company Page”
  • Pick which kind of business you want to create a page for (small, medium-to-large, educational institution, etc.)
  • Enter your company details and profile details. 
  • Confirm that you have the authority to create the page by clicking the verification box. 
  • Finally, hit “Create Page”

At that point, your company page will be created. You can then add more details. Select “start building your page” to upload your logo and more details. 

When You Need a Company Page

Company Pages are an excellent way to create a business presence. They are a part of your online reputation and brand awareness. Since they are simple and free to create, it’s almost always worth making a Company Page on LinkedIn. 

Aside from overall brand awareness and reputation, a LinkedIn Page is key for some other reasons. 


As mentioned, having a Company Page helps improve the credibility of your company. People will be able to easily find all of the details about your company. Via the LinkedIn Page, they can see how many employees it has, who works there, and other key details. 

Overall, this gives the impression that your company is solid and trustworthy. It offers a sense of transparency, which is key in the modern digital age. Many people will turn to the internet to learn more about your business, and having a LinkedIn presence is key. 

LinkedIn Event 

If you plan to promote an event on LinkedIn, then you need a Company Page. When you promote the event with a Company Page, then you can download the full list of attendees. You will also get their email addresses with this list. 

This list is incredibly valuable. You can use it for future marketing purposes and email lists. It gives you a solid way to nurture a ton of leads who expressed interest. However, the option to download the list is only available with a Company page, not with a Personal profile. 

So, if you plan to promote any event on LinkedIn, then you should do so from your Company Page. 

Employee Engagement 

Your Company Page is another great way to engage your team. You can use it to share your employees’ content or to give them personal shout-outs for big team moments. 

Furthermore, you can leverage employees to help you increase the reach of your page. For example, you can notify employees of important Page posts, which makes it more likely that they will view and interact with them. 

Your Company Page is an important way to foster engagement with your team. There’s an option to have an employee-only community with the “My Company” tab as well. 

Still, Leverage Your Personal Profile 

As you can see, a Company Page has some key benefits. There are moments where it is very important to use. Since it’s free and simple to set up, it’s definitely worth creating a Company Page on LinkedIn. 

However, creating a Company Page does not mean you should neglect your Personal Profile. While the LinkedIn Page is important for your organization’s presence, it’s much harder to get the content shown in the algorithm. 

LinkedIn’s algorithm seems to prioritize content from Personal Profiles. The content you post on your Company Page will have less reach than the content you post from your Personal Profile. Why is this? Largely because LinkedIn wants companies to pay to promote their content. They specifically focus the algorithm away from Company Page content so that organizations will pay to promote it. 

So, while it is important to create and use your Company Page, it will be difficult to gain exposure with it. That’s just part of the reason why you must still leverage your Personal Page. 

The Best Strategy 

So, are Company Pages on LinkedIn worth it? The simple answer is that yes, you should create a Company Page. Make sure to fill it out completely, adding photos, and all relevant details. The Company Page will help your business appear more credible and legitimate. It will also foster key employee engagement. 

But for the best strategy, you should leverage both a Company Page and Personal Profile on LinkedIn. You can leverage the LinkedIn Page to educate prospects on your business, what you do, and your mission. With your Personal Profile, you can connect directly and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. 

When it comes down to it, your Personal Page is about growing your individual brand, and your Company Page is about your business. The two are related, but it’s important not to neglect either one. 

If you do not already have a Company Page, now is the time to get it set up!